Reminder: There is a Lost and Found bin in the Center for Student Success. If you've lost any item, please stop by.
Danita's Data: February 3rd edition
RESUME WRITING DROP INS - Week of February 3rd
- Monday – 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. Nordby Trades Center (Lower Level Commons)
- Tuesday – 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. Energy Training Center (Student Lounge)
- Wednesday – 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. Muth Electric Tech Center (Student Lounge)
- Thursday – 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. Nordby Trades Center (Lower Level Commons)
- Friday – 10:00 a.m. to noon Campus Center (Center for Student Success)
- 2025 graduation candidates must complete the Request to Graduate Form - See email from Jill Greenway sent January 24th.
- Click here for ceremony details.
- Graduation caps, gowns, tassels, and stoles may be purchased in the Campus Store. If you have an all black gown and/or cap, you may use it. All students MUST have a cap, gown, Mitchell Tech tassel, and green stole.
- You MAY NOT decorate your stole or affix anything to it.
- You MAY decorate your cap. Watch for an email from Danita Lucas.
February 4th - Super Bowl Squares Board - outside the Center for Student Success
February 10th - Free Movie Night, Odyssey Luxury Theatre
February 25th - Axe Throwing and Golf Simulation, Bullseyes and Birdies. Must preregister. Watch for email from Mateya Berg.
Important Dates
February 7th - Financial aid/scholarship overages available on or after.
February 17th - President's Day - Mitchell Tech closed, no classes.
February 17th - 21st - Advising Week
February 20th - Mitchell Tech Career Fairs