There are no current courses.

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Enjoy Spring Break - March 10th through 14th. Mitchell Tech offices are open throughout break. 

Danita's Data: March 3, 2025


  • 2025 graduation candidates must complete the Request to Graduate Form - See email from Jill Greenway sent January 24th.
  • Click here for ceremony details.
  • Graduation caps, gowns, tassels, and stoles may be purchased in the Campus Store. If you have an all black gown and/or cap, you may use it. All students MUST have a cap, gown, Mitchell Tech tassel, and green stole. 
    • You MAY NOT decorate your stole or affix anything to it. 
    • You MAY decorate your cap using the following guidelines:
      • Only the flat, top area of the mortarboard may be decorated.
      • Nothing besides the tassel can hang down from any of the sides of the cap.  An exception to this guideline is an item of cultural significance such as an Eagle Feather.
      • Decorations must be flat on the surface of the cap. 3-D creations are prohibited. In other words, don't mount items to your head that will obstruct the view for others.
      • Make sure items are secure and not falling off, this includes excessive glitter.
      • No lights, anything that makes noise, or is battery operated is allowed on the mortarboard.
      • Mortarboards / Graduation caps will be reviewed and approved in advance of the ceremony. 
      • Be prepared to make changes to your mortarboard or wear a different mortarboard if your decorating is not allowed. 
      • You will not be able to walk in the ceremony if administrators do not approve your décor and you are unwilling to make the necessary changes.

March 10th -14th - Spring Break
March 26th - Last day to withdraw with partial reversal of charges. 
March 26th - Registration for Summer and Fall semesters opens. 


Spring Semester 2025

This withdrawal date is for full semester courses only. Shorter course withdrawal dates vary. See the Registrar for details and watch for specific date information on MyTech.                                                                                                        

  • General Links

    Cafe Cash


    • Any balance at the end of the fall semester will be transferred to the spring semester.
    • Any balance remaining at the end of the spring semester will be forfeited.
    • Refunds may be issued to students who withdraw from school in the first ten days of the semester in which the Café Cash was purchased.

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