First Name:
Middle Name:
Last Name:
What is your birth name?
List additional names that may appear on your academic records:
Are you older than 16 years of age?
Birth Date:
If you choose not to provide your Social Security Number, this will impact your year end tax reporting. Mitchell Tech will not provide you with an IRS 1098-T form. Select Yes to enter your social security number.
Social Security Number:
Citizen Of:
Citizenship Status:
Personal Email Address:
School Email Address (K12 Email Address):
Parent/Guardian Email Address (optional):
Address Line 1:
Address Line 2:
If you are a South Dakota resident, please select your county:
Zip Code:
Home Phone Number:
Mobile Phone Number:
By listing this number, you agree to allow us to send you text messages. You may opt-out by replying STOP to any message sent.
Choose a program of study:
What year do you plan to begin your studies?
What term do you plan to begin your studies?
What best describes you as a student coming to Mitchell Tech?
High School Attended or GED:
High School Graduation Date or GED Earned:
High School or GED City:
High School or GED State:
What year did you apply to Mitchell Tech?
Last College/University Attended:
Last Attended College/University City:
Last Attended College/University State:
Beginning Attendance Date of Most Recently Attended College/University (mm/dd/yyyy)
Ending Attendance Date of Last College/University Attended (mm/dd/yyyy)
How did you hear about Mitchell Tech?
Are you a US Veteran?
For what branch of the military are you a veteran?
Are you currently on military active duty?
For what branch of the military are you currently on active duty?
The following information is regarded as VOLUNTARY. The statistical data helps us maintain accurate records and provides accurate demographic information to various funding and governmental entities but does not affect acceptance into Mitchell Technical College.
Marital Status
Race (Choose one or more)
Program Description
Director of Enrollment
Current Candidacy
Full Time